Project Goal
To equip 10 schools in the Vayots Dzor region with quality cafeteria furniture, kitchenware and dishware needed to serve nutritional hot lunches to children.
Ծրագրի Նպատակ
Վայոց ձորի 10 դպրոցները կահավորել որակյալ ճաշարանային կահույքով, խոհանոցային պարագաներով և սպասքով, որոնք անհրաժեշտ են երեխաներին սննդարար, տաք ճաշ մատուցելու համար։
Project Background
Since 2014, in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Armenia, the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) has been implementing the “School Feeding Program in Armenia” with the technical and financial support of the Social and Industrial Foodservice Institute (SIFI). The School Feeding and Child Welfare Agency (NCEDI Foundation) has been facilitating the partners in this initiative to ensure that children receive at least one hot, nutritional midday meal at school.
Through a partnership with the Armenian Government, the United Nations World Food Program started renovating school cafeterias in different regions of Armenia. Although they are renovated and equipped with key cooking appliances, some cafeterias in Vayots Dzor are not yet functioning.
Until now, the schools have been providing dry food — mainly juices and cookies — to the kids — because they lack necessary equipment to make and serve hot, healthy, and nutritious meals. The schools can’t begin their feeding programs until they have furniture, kitchenware and utensils they need.
With your help, we’re going to equip 10 cafeterias so they can fuel the brains of the 462 bright kids they teach!