Children's Rights
Countdown to Camp
implementation year
Project Goal
Project Background
For most children, summer camp is a time to celebrate the end of school, have adventures and make new friends. It’s a magical and memorable experience.
For children who have experienced great hardships — like the loss of a parent during war — camp holds even more significance. It is therapeutic and healing. It distracts the mind and decompresses the soul.
Every year, Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) sponsors a beautiful two-week camp experience for just over 150 kids from its “Children of Armenia Sponsorship Program” (CASP). The participants come from a variety of difficult backgrounds. Most are socioeconomically disadvantaged. Some are the children of Syrian-Armenian refugees and others, of soldiers who were killed in the 2020 war with Azerbaijan.
During the camp, children form life-long friendships. They learn and develop new skills, sight-see, and participate in a full range of fun and exciting activities. They are physically active and eat regular and balanced meals.
Due to limited financial resources, FAR cannot send all of the children from CASP to camp. We at Ayo! would like to raise enough money to sponsor at least 75 more children who lost their fathers in the 2020 war. It’s only about $200 per child.
The more we raise, the more children can attend camp. There are 346 more children who lost their fathers on the list; all of them are waiting for the opportunity! Are you excited to give them an experience of a lifetime? We are! Let the countdown to camp begin!
James H. Yenicag
Lusine Tshagharyan
Arpine Tevosyan
Emily Terjimanian
Sts. Sahag & Mesrob Armenian Church
St. Leon Armenian Church - Women's Guild
Gregory Sirounian
Levon B. Sarkissian
Taron Sargsyan
Laurie Onanian
Maral Mouradian
Gregory A. Mamassian
Edward H. Korkoian
Sandra Ilkkan
Ashley Hong
Debra Ferman
Maggie Dunkerley
Ruthann Drewitz
George Boyagian
Serda Belekdanian
Bedros Bandazian
Samvel Badalyan
St James Armenian Church, Richmond VA
Armen Shamamian
Karine Nanagoulian
Lori Ayanian
Ezras Tellalian
Jon Campbell
Arda Mirek
Talin Koseyan
Ruzanna Sargsyan
Laura Rensel
Bright Funds Foundation
Carl J. Bazarian
Irina Nanagoulian
Fr Abraham Malkhasyan
Stephen Gurahian
Judy Giordano
Gary Gengozian
Michael Borborian
Jennifer Bedrosian
Harvey Bazarian
Andrew Yenicag
Anna Vardanyan
Aline Tashjian
Sarah Stites
Fr. Shnork Souin
William Skelsey
Lisa Sarkisian
David Onanian
James Moresco
Caroline Kernan
Yeprem Kelegian
Aleen Kaltakdjian
Stephen Haroian
Ara Hacet
Sarkis Ghazarian
Kathryn A A. Geyer
Anahid Dilakian
Jeanette Derhagopian
Jonathan Campbell
Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs
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