Children's Rights
Happy Campers




implementation year

Project Goal
Project Background
For most children, summer camp is a time to celebrate the end of school, have adventures and make new friends. It’s a magical and memorable experience.
For children who have experienced great hardships — like displacement or the loss of a parent during war — camp holds even more significance. It is therapeutic and healing. It distracts the mind and decompresses the soul.
Every year, Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) sponsors a beautiful two-week camp experience for just over 150 kids from its “Children of Armenia Sponsorship Program” (CASP). The participants come from a variety of difficult backgrounds. Most are socioeconomically disadvantaged. Some are the children of soldiers who were killed in the 44-day war and others were displaced from their homes in Artsakh last year.
During the camp, children form life-long friendships. They learn and develop new skills, sight-see, and participate in a full range of fun and exciting activities. They eat regular and balanced meals and are physically active. This year, they’ll even be introduced to lacrosse thanks to the support of the Armenian Lacrosse Federation!
Due to limited financial resources, FAR cannot send all of the children from CASP to camp. We at Ayo! would like to raise enough money to sponsor at least 60 more children from the list. It’s about $250 per child for 16 days.
The more we raise, the more children can attend camp. Are you excited to give them an experience of a lifetime? We are! Cheers to happy campers!
Sandra G. Yeghian
David Dignan
Niko Tsakos
Yanni Tragellis
Carolyn Tellalian
Demetri Stefanidis
Alex Stefanidis
George lappas
Nancy Kolligian
Owen Juros
Ian Judge
Ani Hollisian
Alison Ekizian
Lori Dorian
Liza Dorian
Kyra Deligiannides
Jonathan Campbell
Zorzis Bouboulis
Christine Bahtiarian
Rudy Arzumanov
Thanos Arvanitis
Roman Rostovtsev
David Tavitian
Chloe Madikian
Cameron Cushner
Ethan Bossange
Savana Aghamal
Vee A
Lisa Mardigian
Paul G. Boyajian
Michael Boyajian
Tyler Whitby
Anoush Oconnor
Anahit Burke
Nora Knadjian
St. Gregory of Narek Armenian Church
St. Hagop Armenian Church
Gregory M. Marifian
Emma Manoukian
Larry Farsakian
Ezras Tellalian
Victor G. Stepanians
Krikor Norsigian
Margarit Piliposyan
Robert Willaum
Ari Terjanian
Lorie R. Odabashian
Zach Kowalski
Kristina Khachaturyan
Nele Keshishian
Hrachya Janikian
Gary Gengozian
Boghos Gauro
Antranig Berberian
Aram Adourian
Anna Vardanyan
Aline Tashjian
Sarah Stites
Arin Parsanian
David Onanian
Jennifer Morris
James Moresco
Caroline Kernan
Yeprem Kelegian
Adrine Katchadurian
Aleen Kaltakdjian
Stephen Haroian
Kathryn A A. Geyer
Jeanette Derhagopian
Jonathan Campbell
Francis Bulbulian