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Children's Rights

Safe Shelter








implementation year





Project Goal

To refurbish the cellar of the kindergarten of border village Nerkin Khndzoresk so that it can serve as a bunker in the case of border violence.

Project Background

Nerkin Khndzoresk is one of Syuniq region’s many border villages. It is surrounded by Azerbaijan on three sides. At its closest, it is less than 600 meters from the border

Most homes in the village have some sort of cellar. In the case of a sudden attack, residents usually take immediate refuge there. What happens if a strike or shootings take place during school hours? While the village kindergarten has an underground space, it is old and unsafe. It doesn’t have proper ventilation, toilets or doors; thus, it would not be able to serve as a long-term solution in the case that children would need to hide for more than a few hours.

To ensure the safety of the village’s kindergartners and teachers, we want to support the school in renovating the cellar. Together, with your support, we will turn it into a wellequipped bunker in which the kids can stay in the case of danger. Because the bunker will be able to accommodate more than 100 people, it will also serve as a refuge for anyone in the community who needs shelter should the need arise.

Noubar Tcheurekdjian

Victor G. Stepanians

Viola S. Reimers

Silva Prodan

Harry Parsekian

Marilyn Mozian

M. Michael Moradian

Lisa Mahnke

Carol Loshigian

Edward Kunesh

Talene Kelegian

Avedis Kargenian

George E. Kadamian

Christine Jenkins

Jean Housepian

Arusyak Harutyunyan

Anna Gasparyan

Maria Derderian

Raymond Davidian

Soseh Celestina

Jeff Barasatian

Hratch Sargsyan

Ruzanna Sargsyan

Tatevik Ayazyan

Robert Willaum

Chris Sadjian-Peacock

Caro Minas

Dro Kanayan

Kathy J. Green

Vyacheslav Gazikhodjaev

Boghos Gauro

Linda S S. Babikian

Arakel Aljalian

Eliz Alahverdian

Nubar Zohrabian

Andrew Yenicag

Anna Vardanyan

Aline Tashjian

Sarah Stites

Fr. Shnork Souin

Lisa Sarkisian

David Onanian

James Moresco

Caroline Kernan

Yeprem Kelegian

Aleen Kaltakdjian

Holy Virgin Mary and Shoghagat Armenian Church

Arpi Haroutunian

Stephen Haroian

Ara Hacet

Kathryn A A. Geyer

Jeanette Derhagopian

Jonathan Campbell

Francis Bulbulian

Sevan Birky



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